Beijing- Sichuan- Shanghai- Yangtze river.. and much more to come.....

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

(I can update blog from here IF I am right place, right building, because some of the buildings have blocked access. So weird. )

June18th, 2006 , From Air China

You know what? I have always had very pleasant airport experiences. But I swear, this time around it was nothing but pleasant. Taxi was on time and picked me up 9.30. We were at LAX 10.35. Fast and smooth ride. Loved it. But that is where my love ended.

  1. I had to wait on line for 30 minutes to get my tickets and seats assigned.
  2. I had to take my 2 sleepy kids, 5 pieced of luggage to x-ray machine. Line there was longer than ever. We waited another 30 minutes. Kids did really good. J No whining, no crying. They listened and it made my life much easier.
  3. Then we had to wait 30 more minutes on security line because suddenly it was 12AM and everybody wanted to go to gate 25 lol. After that was done kids were wide awake. J

Then the wait was over. We just sat down and waited “regular” waiting before they opened gates. I swear, when it comes to manners, Chinese do not have them. I was beyond pissed. Luckily they announced travelers with young kids can go first so I thought Gabriel is still 4 and young lol. I took my kids and ran for life. But Chinese people were blocking me. I was pushing them to left and right and finally- VICTORY!!! I crossed the finish line and was almost first person to enter plane ( well, business class bitches were there first , fuck them.)

Now I am sitting on plane., my kids are sleeping and I just had the best chicken /tuna sandwich ever. But I do need some TUMS. I was extremely stressed today , and when I am stressed I get horrible heart burn . I thought I got my TUMS but they are missing. “ HELP, MISSING TUMS, Reward- one HUG ;)

Anyway, sandwich was good, BUT wine I asked for was one of the worst I have ever had. Iam not even sure what the heck they call slurrrr like that. Disgusting. But I have to fall asleep, so I had some. Anyway, this plane sucks. Everything here is in Chinese. I thought Lufthansa was bad, but this is even worse. It feels like I am traveling in Estonian Air, but only 8 years ago…… yeah, this Estonian bitch is off to a ruff start. But then again, I know I have great rewards waiting for me ahead( Do I sound like fortune cookie already??? )) talk to you later My Jealous American wannabefriends…;) Don’t be hatin’ Respect you all….

AND now. I AM IN CHINA!!! IT was 5.30 Am when I arrived here. Weather is HOT, STINKY, HUMID. AND I had about hundred heart attacks(just a figure of speech). NOBODY cares here about pedestrians, nobody cares about traffic lights, or when it is right time to make turns. People drive with red light, make left turns when red light is on and run you over when you step on the road. LOL

We visited Great wall- IT IS REALLY great, but we made on huge mistake and took our kids with us. It is way to hard for them to take all the steps and just enjoy. So we just did a short walk and left pretty fast.

Today we want to go to Forbidden City and enjoy that, but first we have to fina a babysitter, since my kids do not like hot weather/ walking/ dirt / and stinky streets.


Blogger Lennuk said...

hello! i didn't expect to find here anything and look at that.... long adventure stories here already!
i'm too sleepy to read about forbidden city, will do it tommorow!
what is the time difference!?
we just got back from boston! great trip!
looking forward for your adventure stories and if you have any problem updateing your blog, let me know! i will do it for you! :)

12:42 AM


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