Beijing- Sichuan- Shanghai- Yangtze river.. and much more to come.....

Thursday, June 22, 2006

Oh, I am exhausted. Today we went to see Summer Palace. It is a place where Emperors used to spend their summer vacations. Lol Just to make it sound simple enough to you. It is a beautiful place, but since China is so polluted and you never see blue sky ( except in fall), then I think gray sky just did not enhance the beauty of this beautifully landscaped and built place. We did take a boat ride, ( all by ourselves) and walked around, but weather was hot- once again, and we had our 2 kids with us, who in some weird way think that they are the EMPERORS and they want to be carried around …

Last night we went to have dinner with my DH high school friends. You will not believe the amount of food that was served there . Most of it sounds pretty cross, but tastes ok- Cow stomach, chicken necks, pig feet, duck stomachs, etc. AND since my dh is from Sichuan, and food in that area is burning spicy. I have never had such a spicy food in my entire life. I really did enjoy the food, but I regret that I ate way too much , because I woke up with the worst stomach ace ever.

Today- Thursday is Gabriels 5th birthday. For lunch we went to Mc Donalds, because my kids just refuse to eat anything here at all. We are not really fast food friends, but what can I do??? They will not eat tofu and garlic vegetables. …. And noodles will not do the thing for them…. What is wrong with my kids…. ( well, It is my fault tho’,..)

Tonight we are going to eat out in one of the best Peking Duck restaurants here. You have to make reservations few days in advance if you want to eat there- that is how popular and good that place is…..

Tomorrow we just take it easy- maybe go to the clubhouse here and swim. We stay with our friends, who are “ rich” and community they live in is beautiful. HUUUUGE houses and security guard in every street corner- at least 100 security guys. It is kind of weird, but I guess it gives people sense of security here.

I still can not get over the drivers. I was told that it takes couple of days for people to get used to local traffic but I do not think I will ever . My eyes hurt because I just keep them wide open all the

One more note- I am starting to understand how African Americans feel in white community- I am white here , and some places where we go is just crazy. Peking is ok- and huuuge tourist attractions are fine, but smaller villages- the looks, the questions,( so what I speak no Chinese), and more looks, and more whispers…. I am starting to feel little congested. No air to breath, to much going on, no space to think , because people are here always on the go - even during the night. ….


Friday, june 23'd. -- We take it easy today. No trip besides food market. I HATE SPOILED little kids. I can not stand them. Last night we went out to eat Roast Peking duck. Food was awsome. But the KIDS , they were running around( we had a private room), braking menues apart, having a pillow fight, spitting, scraming, yelling. And you know what those other 2 moms and 2 dads did- NOTHING!!!!!!!. Regina and Gabriel did such an awsome job sitting still and eating and listening, but what the fuck was wrong with other moms. They were just laughing when kids pulled menues apart and threw all over the place. I swear, I start a camp for spoiled little chinese kids. ( trust me , they are much worse than american kids. )...... Moms were asking from me what should they do to keep their kids nice and quiet, and I gave them my advice- distcipline-. I was told that they do it all the time. REALLY??? WTF is wrong with you know. Tell your kids to sit nice and pay attention to others. .... ANyway,-- I miss califronia. I usually do not get homesick when I travel, but China is not for me. I like chinese food, but today is my 4th day with the worst stomach ace( i still keep eating what they shoot be, because I have been told that I AM RUDE for not accepting their hospitality...... Damn rules....;)


Blogger Lennuk said...

i just love your travel adventures! and you take on them!
you have done so much even it's only 4th day of your travel!

head jaanipäeva sulle! meil on homme eesti maja hoovis jaanipäev ja tõotab tulla mega-üritus. kuulen kui palju rahvast tuleb! oih! kas mahume ära!?

toredat olemist!

3:48 PM


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